Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Comments Now Enabled

OK, I have decided to relinquish some of my selfishness, and have reluctantly turned on the "comments" capability on my blog.  I have surfed enough firefighter forums to know that there is an endless supply of people who have good intentions but no tact, and think the right to free speech gives them the right to be complete asshats with no regard of who they offend. 

Please know that this is MY blog, and I have two rules...
  1. No Asshats!
  2. See rule #1
That's about it.  I welcome differing opinions, and it is OK if we disagree.  However, I will not tolerate this blog becoming a venue to bash, berate, insult, or embarrass anyone.  For this reason, I have activated the 'moderator' function.  In other words, I must approve what you post on my wall.  If you don't like my censorship, create your own blog.  Its easy, even I figured out how to do it. 

I can't imaging that anything I post here will create significant controversy, but people do like whine with their cheese.  So comment away, but please stick to the topic as I have authored it. And PLEASE be bold enough to sign your post.  This blog is all about being open and honest.  I want this site to be a pleasurable experience for all who visit it. 

So join in; let me know what you think, what you like, what you remember...ask me a question, suggest a topic, pat me on the back.  I like compliments, they make me purr.  Enjoy your visit!

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